As I was sitting with the Lord and hearing Him speak to me, He gave me one word, powerless. ( definition; having no power: unable to do something or to stop something.) You see, me sitting at this very computer is vulnerability to me. It constantly reveals my imperfections. Here are some to name a few; faithfulness, impatience, self-control and intellect, feeling ill-equipped to be a godly, wife, mom, daughter, sister and friend. Just to name a few. Actually, blogging is not something that I love to do because of the commitment I have to have to it, but this is the space God has called me to be in right now. When I don't feel confident and sure about doing things, I fall off the wagon and journey. And dear friend, this is where God is.
I have been reading the book of Acts with a couple of friends who I sit around the table monthly with in my neighborhood and thousands of others through a online community called, IF:Equip. As I have read through Acts so far, I am blown away by how many times I have read the very words, "full of power". The very phrase sends chills up and down my back. This very phrase sends me into wonderment as to how necessary it is in my life. Here is what I found through Acts and the rest of the New Testament about people who are "full of power". If I wanna be full of power, I must recognize and embrace that I am powerless.
Whoa! As my girlfriend says, "Boom. Drop the mic. Walk away." (Yes homies, I will use your coined phrases in ministry and it is all in love!)
Yep, I said it. Being powerless and powerful are contrary to one another. There is a tension that I am learning to daily embrace within the contradiction of these two words. They cannot exist in my life with one another. As a woman, wife, mother and friend who is living in step with God by His grace, if I want to see miracles, I have to empty myself before a Holy God and walk in His power and not mine. I have always struggled with self-help resources because I don't need help with being consumed and focused on myself and my successes, it's in my sinful nature. I was born this way with the desire to want power (or a softer word "authority"). For me, the challenge is daily dying to self glorification and living with God's glory being magnified through my life.
As I live in my space daily, I see that being full of power is being full of The Lord. Full of God's grace, His Spirit, His Truth, His Love, His Boldness, His Prayers. Don't take my word for it, read Acts 6 and see how Stephen was able to live full of power and literally die for God's glory. Or, check out John 3:22-36 when John makes known "it's not about me, but ALL about him" quote. These cats lived a life powerless of self and powerful in Christ!
What about you? Where are you currently living life powerful in self, instead of powerful in Christ? Where is God calling you to embrace powerlessnes?
Ponder: Read Acts 6 & John 3:22-36.
Pause: Reflect on questions in last paragraph in relation to the scripture.
Petition: Tell Him. Listen. Do.
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