Monday, October 5, 2015

A New Season, A New Beginning

Hey ya'll!  Happy Fall! I am so happy to be transitioning into the new season with ya'll.  I know if you follow this blog, you have already identified one of my weaknesses.  Consistency. Faithfulness towards the small things that God wants me to do.  So, hopefully this Fall will be much different. Hopefully. I am looking forward to the mountains we will climb together and the valleys we will get out of this season. 

During my break, I have had the privilege of narrowing in on what it is that I want to continue in writing about on the blog. I have to be honest, I love people.  And so, when I would listen to podcast or read other "blogger experts" I felt strongly encouraged to write about specific things and narrow the vision for me as a woman.  Can I be honest? Here is the resolve I came to; I love God.  Everything I do and how I live is motivated and propelled by that love.  And my love for Him is not compartmentalized, but flows into every single area of my life.  So, that being said, I am going to continue to write about how God engages my heart and is teaching me how to learn and live wisely in it. 

So what will you see?  You are going to see how I live as a woman, wife, mother, sister, friend and neighbor. I will be writing about from what's heavy on my heart to what fun recipes I'm enjoying as a southerner living up north. 

I'm excited to begin a new venture with Periscope this Fall!  I have longed to connect with my readers not just through written form, but through verbal so you can truly hear my heart towards what I share.  So, if you are not on Periscope, sign up and join me there!

I am looking forward to this Fall and hope you are too, until Wednesday, see you on social media friends!


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