Over the past several months, at least from the beginning of Summer, the Lord exposed the sin of pride and how it has manifested it's way right back at the front door of my heart again. It's like this weed that keeps growing. No matter how much I try to kill it or pull it up by its root, it still keeps coming back.
You see, I have seen pride manifest itself two ways in my life. One, by thinking too highly of myself. And two, by thinking too low of myself. Either way, they are both pride. Why? The very act of pride is a focus of self. Self idolatry. All eyes on me. It truly is a conspiracy; an evil plot. Pride can destroy almost every area of a person's life. Not boldly, but subtly. I think about the first years of my marriage, I found myself NEVER taking ownership of my anger, harsh words or fits of rage. I 'll tell you what pride did. It drove a wedge of separation between God and I and my marriage. I've even seen in my own life what happens when I haven't asked for help and how it buried me into a sea of frustration and sorrow, because I thought I could do it on my own.
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So, how am I fighting against this conspiracy? Though I continue to do battle with this 'flesh' I know that their is only one way to get victory. Not in my power, but by the power of the Holy Spirit. Fight this 'flesh' with the TRUTH! So what is the truth?
When I think too highly of myself, the TRUTH is:
1. In light of God's glory, I'm a hot mess. God is the standard. (Ephesians 1:5-7)
2. God opposes the proud, gives grace to the humble. (1 Peter 5:5)
3. Keep it 100 with myself about my own life challenges. (Romans 12:3)
When I think to lowly of myself, the TRUTH is:
1. I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)
2. I'm a masterpiece created by the Master and for the Master alone. (Ephesians 2:8-10)
3. My life is not my own it has been bought with a price.(1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
My very mind, body and spirit must be solely directed by the Word of God alone. Listen, God did not create me to be a culture culprit, but a counterculture cultivator for His namesake. Is it challenging to buy into the culture culprit of "what I deserve"and "my rights"? Absolutely. But, do I have to buy it? Absolutely Not. And that my friends is where I am today. I am praying and activating my faith in action to not buy pride. To let the conspiracy be exactly what it is; a conspiracy.
Maybe your conspiracy is not pride, but trust me friend their is something there. Will you take some time today and identify the evil plot that is subtly trying to destroy the plans God has for you? Will you take time to recognize the TRUTH from God's Word so you can walk in freedom and joy today? And then will you actively participate with God in displaying His glory to the world through sharing what He is doing in your life.
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